The Drawing Shows An Equilateral Triangle

The drawing shows an equilateral triangle, a fascinating geometric shape with unique properties and applications. This figure, characterized by its equal side lengths and angles, has captivated mathematicians and artists alike throughout history.

This article delves into the intriguing world of equilateral triangles, examining their fundamental properties, geometric relationships, construction methods, and diverse applications. Through a blend of theoretical explanations and visual representations, we will unravel the intricacies of this remarkable shape.

Equilateral Triangle Properties: The Drawing Shows An Equilateral Triangle

The drawing shows an equilateral triangle

An equilateral triangle is a polygon with three equal sides and three equal angles. Each angle measures 60 degrees, and the sum of the angles is 180 degrees. The side lengths are also equal, and the ratio of the side length to the height is 2:√3.

Geometric Relationships

The area of an equilateral triangle is given by the formula A = (s^2)√3/4, where s is the length of a side. The perimeter is given by the formula P = 3s. The circumradius, or the radius of the circle that circumscribes the triangle, is given by the formula R = s/√3.

The inradius, or the radius of the circle that is inscribed in the triangle, is given by the formula r = s/(2√3).


To construct an equilateral triangle using a compass and straightedge, follow these steps:

  1. Draw a line segment of any length.
  2. With one end of the compass on one endpoint of the line segment, draw an arc that intersects the line segment at two points.
  3. With the other end of the compass on the other endpoint of the line segment, draw an arc that intersects the first arc at two points.
  4. Connect the two points of intersection to form the equilateral triangle.

Applications, The drawing shows an equilateral triangle

Equilateral triangles are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Architecture: Equilateral triangles are often used in the design of buildings and bridges because they are strong and stable.
  • Design: Equilateral triangles are often used in graphic design and web design because they are visually appealing and can be used to create a variety of shapes and patterns.
  • Engineering: Equilateral triangles are used in the design of bridges, roofs, and other structures because they are strong and can distribute weight evenly.

Visual Representation

Property Equilateral Triangle Isosceles Triangle Scalene Triangle
Side lengths Equal Two equal All different
Angles Equal (60°) Two equal All different
Area A = (s^2)√3/4 A = (1/2)bh A = (1/2)bh
Perimeter P = 3s P = 2a + b P = a + b + c

Expert Answers

What is the defining characteristic of an equilateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides equal in length.

How can you calculate the area of an equilateral triangle?

The area of an equilateral triangle can be calculated using the formula: Area = (√3 / 4) – s², where ‘s’ represents the length of one side.

What is the relationship between the side length and the angles of an equilateral triangle?

In an equilateral triangle, each angle measures 60 degrees.

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